The Devil’s Footprints provides a winter adventure for the Seventh Doctor and Mel; the Doctor has gone to see an old friend, a reverend and fossil enthusiast, only it seems like the devil is afoot, and H.T. Ellacombe is more abstracted than normal.
Bonnie Langford performs a story by Penelope Faith, and it’s not complicated, but it is enjoyable, thanks in no small part to Langford’s enthusiastic reading. She’s always dependable as Mel, of course, but she’s a great, expressive reader, and I thought she captured the more abstracted, loopy Sylvester McCoy of Season 24 particularly well. I did kind of wish for a more explicit Christmas theme like we got in 2016 and 2017, but this was an interesting winter’s tale with some interesting ideas, and surprising turns.
The Devil’s Footprints (by Penelope Faith; read by Bonnie Langford) was released by Big Finish Productions in December 2018.